blog concept

One day a thought struck me: what if I started writing about my experiences from a day-to-day work as a data engineer? I have a knack for automating stuff so I genuinely wanted to focus on this topic.

I started searching for patterns in my behavior and discovered one simple theme: whenever I find myself doing something that takes too long and/or requires too much manual effort (+ is repetitive), I eventually end up automating it.

I call this behavioral pattern too long; automated (tl;a in short).

It relates to another concept that is simple, familiar, and helpful: tl;dr. The idea to include a short summary of a larger piece of text at the top of it is brilliant. It gives readers flexibility to choose whether to take only the most important piece of the information from the tl;dr, or whether to dive deeper into the text and get the full context.

is tl;a content for me?

It doesn't matter if you are a professional engineer responsible for developing, optimizing, and maintaining large pipelines processing terabytes of data, or just a person interested in automation, you will definitely find a food for thought in here.

I'll take care of that 🙌